
How to prevent a third world war

America and China must learn to live together. They have less than ten years.

IN BEIJING THEY have concluded that America will do anything to keep China down. In Washington they are adamant that China is scheming to supplant the United States as the world’s leading power. For a sobering analysis of this growing antagonism — and a plan to prevent it causing a superpower war — visit the 33rd floor of an Art Deco building in midtown Manhattan, the office of Henry Kissinger.
On May 27th Mr Kissinger will turn 100. Nobody alive has more experience of international affairs, first as a scholar of 19thcentury diplomacy, later as America’s national security adviser and secretary of state, and for the past 46 years as a consultant and emissary to monarchs, presidents and prime ministers. Mr Kissinger is worried.
Both sides have convinced themselves that the other represents a strategic danger,” he says. We are on the path to great-power confrontation.”
At the end of April The Economist spoke to Mr Kissinger for over eight hours about how to prevent the contest between China and America from descending into war. These days he is stooped and walks with difficulty, but his mind is needle-sharp. As he contemplates his next two books, on artificial intelligence (AI) and the nature of alliances, he remains more interested in looking forward than raking over the past.
Mr Kissinger is alarmed by China’s and America’s intensifying competition for technological and economic pre-eminence. Even as Russia tumbles into China’s orbit and war overshadows Europe’s eastern flank, he fears that AI is about to supercharge the Sino-American rivalry. Around the world, the balance of power and the technological basis of warfare are shifting so fast and in so many ways that countries lack any settled principle on which they can establish order. If they cannot find one, they may resort to force.
“We're in the classic pre-world war one situation,” he says, “where neither side has much margin of political concession and in which any disturbance of the equilibrium can lead to catastrophic consequences.”


A cartelização da política

The age of superpower parity

The meteoric rise of China’s economy is ending. Will it ever overtake America’s?

The meteoric rise is over

CHINA HAS this year liberated its economy from the lockdowns, quarantines and other strictures of its “zero-covid” regime. But it has not freed itself from longer-term worries about its growth prospects. Its population is shrinking. Its epic housing boom is over.


O «Mesura» é teu,

a mesura é minha.

Faz hoje uma semana. Lá, do alto do rendilhado, naquela vertente que afunda na albufeira do Varosa, teve tanto de inesperado quanto de prazenteiro.
Quatro dedos de prosa, a minha predisposição para outro tanto, um cavalheiro sem ademanes nem salamaleques (é «amigo grande» de meu irmão).
Da via rápida (IP) não se dá por nada; é preciso conhecer ‘o caminho das pedras’. É bom subir à civilização.

A reverência é minha - agradecido Joaquim Ferreira. Parabéns pela ‘obra’ - fiquei mesmo convencido que possuis mais ‘uva que parra’. Entre nós, convenhamos, é caso de registo.

Tchim, tchim!