
"O que preocupa as pessoas são temas diferentes"

A porta voltou a abrir-se à saída de mais um governante - o 13º em ano e meio de maioria absoluta. O ritmo abrandou, mas a falta de vergonha e de noção mantém-se. A verdade é que
governar deixou de ser coisa de gente sériaAinda que uns poucos da velha guarda permaneçam impolutos, o grande legado da governação de Costa é a arte da fintaPelo caminho, fica o país mal governado e mal amanhado, fruto das medidas de gestão de crise tomadas com o mero propósito de limpar a cara e garantir a sobrevivência política.
. Joana Petiz

O que preocupa (?!) as pessoas são temas diferentes.


Europe’s Real Test Is Yet to Come

Will the Continent Ever Get Serious About Its Own Security?

It is not yet clear if Ukraine will win the war, but Russia is definitely losing. On every metric of national power, Moscow’s position has worsened since the invasion began, and that change has already shifted the position of other global powers. The United States and NATO have grown more credible. China has gained a Russian vassal and is now the clear leader of the autocratic world. The European Union has done much better than many anticipated, but it may yet be the biggest loser, thanks less to an overaggressive Russia than to an overconfident China. The EU can likely weather the fallout from this war, but it could be critically challenged in the next one.
Most Americans think of the EU as a free trade area with frills. Nothing could be further from the truth. Forged in the aftermath of World War II, the institutions that would become the EU were designed to bind the continent together so tightly that another war among Europeans would become unthinkable. In this, the bloc has succeeded brilliantly, helping deliver Europe’s longest period of peace in centuries. But Europeans made a mistake in assuming that others shared their worldview. Neither Russia, nor Middle Eastern powers, nor China ever believed that war was impossible, a position that most European leaders
found hard to accept. Eastern Europeans who warned their friends in western Europe about Russian President Vladimir Putin were haughtily dismissed. Since February 2022, the reality of the Russian threat has become clear, as has the weakness of the European defense. Although Europe has made significant military and humanitarian contributions to Ukraine, from German tanks to Polish and Slovak fighter jets, the United States has been the main organizer and coordinator of the response to Russia’s invasion, providing intelligence and managing the operation in support of Kyiv.


Brains at an Exhibition

«Rather Lovely Thing» da Bienal de Veneza/1993 para a Bibliotech - revista que ofrece un repertorio aluvional de publicaciones, escritores, bibliotecas y acciones bajo el sello de la censura y lo oculto


Um sensato 'discurso'

"Tinha de me pronunciar sobre o pêndulo e sobre o sino: escolhi sobretudo o som"
Victor Segalen

sobre um encantamento e das criaturas que, através de um mecanismo curioso (Marcel Couche, Orientation philosophique, 1990), "graças à ausência de resposta, para tudo têm resposta" e também, a talho de foice, do risco de  tão grande e desconcertante é a facilidade com se busca e pretende impôr um 'ideal'  desembocar no contrário.